Aminet 4
Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso
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****Sysop Documentation****
Copyright 1992 Custom Services
***All Rights are reserved***
This version of Space Empire is compatible with any version 6.5 or later!
There are a lot of new changes! Please read all player documentation first.
If you want to tell if the newest version is compatible with your version,
look at the version numbers. If the whole numbers are the same, then they
are, if the whole numbers are different, you must complete the current game,
or delete the data files first. e.g. 5.3 and 6.0 are incompatible because
the whole number is different, but 5.1 and 5.3 are compatible.
Space Empire as a door must be installed in your configuration file
with the door command:
See the spcemp.cfg for all the installation information.
Note: You need to install the CTDL-AUX: handler so the door can communicate
with the serial port. This is available on the Amiga Zone.
You must add this to your ctdlconfg.sys file and reconfigure. This door
will not work locally from citadel, but you can run it from CLI with
the command:
SPACE "Username" cit:doors/spac
You must use the same user name all the time for local operations.
Upper and Lower case do not matter in the user name.
Space Empire will create all the files it needs. The two parameters
are the Username and the directory.
This game is setup to work as a Citadel 68K door. You must have the ctdl-aux:
device to run this program as a door. It will run locally in a shell window.
This game and the ctdl-aux: handler have been tested under 2.04 and with
citadel 3.32(b2) thru 3.42.O23. This door includes the following files:
SE_SysOp.Docs - this file
Changes.Doc - Game Docs Put this in the "cit:doors/spac" (it has updates)
Space - Space Empire Game, Put this in the "cit:doors"
SpcEmp.cfg - Config file, setup your filenames here (docs in the
file itself)
SpcEmp.Doc - Game Docs Put this in the "cit:doors/spac"
SysEdit - Game Datafile Editor. Use question mark for help
most options are self explanatory.
The SYSEDIT is an editor that allows the sysop to modify some of the game
data. You must have a game in progress for it to work. It will allow
you to do just about anything. SYSEDIT is now shareware, you must have
the registered version to make use of the program. Registration Fee is
just $5.
You should avoid using SYSEDIT. Not that it doesn't work, it does, it is
just that you are all powerful with the editor, it can change anything.
To be fair to the "regular" users, a sysop should not make changes unless
there is a serious problem.
If you have questions, you can send "The Amiga Zone" 609-953-8159, mail
or ask in your nearest Citadel 68K room.
Snail Mail: Tony Preston
Custom Services
P. O. Box 254
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Internet: Tony-Preston@cup.portal.com
Registration: Citadel Space Empire is Freely distributable and you may
use it for as long as you wish with no restrictions other than it will
display that it is not a registered version at the startup. The SYSEDIT
program is shareware, you don't really need it, but if there is a problem
and you wish to give everyone some extra turns for the day, that is how
you can do it. The Fee is $5. For $5 you will get a registration key
which will allow you to use SYSEDIT and it will remove the reminder to
register in SE. The Key is setup with the following statements:
SETENV SE_REGISTRATION <your registration key>
These may be placed in you startup-sequence or user-startup. When you
register, supply the exact name(up to 20 characters) of you BBS, case
is important. You will get the registration key in return.